When applying the body scrub to your skin, make sure you move the sponge in circular motions that are always directed towards the heart. Use consistent and gentle strokes so that every part of your body is equally treated and covered. Too much pressure can do damage to the skin and cause irritation.
Make sure you sit on the edge of the shower or tub to make clean up easier. Since most people will use a body scrub in a bathroom where steam is present, it is possible that moisture could get into the body scrub's container. This will decrease the shelf life of the body scrub. Make sure to place the body scrub's container in another room before showering.
An exfoliating body scrub should always be applied with some kind of scoop or rod. If no rod or scoop is present, do not try to apply the body scrub with your hands. Applying the scrub to your skin with your fingers will cause bacteria to enter the formula, and this can risk causing irritation. Also, do not use body scrubs near any cuts or spots that are very sensitive on your skin.

The end result of body scrubbing: Not only will the scrubbing process get rid of the dead layers of skin on your body, but the process will also make your skin more amenable to the moisturizer within the scrub, allowing for maximum moisturizing. This level of moisturizing will, in turn, prevent ingrown hairs and breakouts from occurring. Sab0n’s famous body scrubs are among the most luxurious, superlative all natural body scrubs in the world, and now that you know how to properly use a body scrub, you can visit the Sabon website, www.sabonnyc.com for all the products you will need to make your skin soft and give it a warm glow.